Applying for a License

Click on one of our easy to follow checklists and watch our Applicant Education Seminar below to learn more about the application process.

Applying for an Arizona Registrar of Contractors' license? Need help with your application?


We offer a free monthly online Applicant Education Seminar that walks you through the application process. Click the video below to watch our last seminar or click on register to sign up for an upcoming session.

Seminario Educativo para Solicitantes (Virtual)

¿Quiere convertirse en un contratista autorizado en Arizona? Regístrese para el próximo Seminario Educativo virtual para solicitantes.

¡Únase con nosotros mientras recorremos el proceso de solicitud de principio a fin y haga al equipo cualquier pregunta que tenga sobre el proceso de solicitud para ser contratista autorizado en Arizona!


Name Tag: Hello I am Licensed


Getting a Contractor's License

On this page, you will find a simple overview of the steps you must take to get a contractor's license from the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. If at any time you have a question and the answer is not provided below, give us a call at 877.692.9762 or email Registrar of Contractors Licensing staff at [email protected].

The Registrar of Contractors is now offering free virtual Applicant Education Seminars, where applicants can learn about the application and get their questions answered. You can also find some short videos to watch that explain common mistakes that delay applications from getting approved. We encourage you to view the videos before starting your application.

NOTE: Due to Coronavirus 2019 (also referred to as COVID-19), please see new changes to PSI Services testing security procedures and rescheduling guidelines.

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  • The Applicant must identify a Qualifying Party for the license.

    A Qualifying Party is a regularly employed person with the necessary experience, knowledge and skills as defined under A.R.S. § 32-1122(E).

  • The Qualifying Party must meet or exceed the license classification requirements for the license classification for which they are applying.

    The License Classification Requirements form provides the minimum number of years of experience and the types of examinations required for a Qualifying Party to be eligible for a specific license classification.

  • The Qualifying Party must pass the required examinations by at least 70% and submit the exam results. The Qualifying Party must complete the AZ Statutes and Rules Training Course and Exam (SRE). The Qualifying Party must also complete a specific trade exam, unless eligible for a waiver.

    •   To determine which exams are required for a specific license classification, refer to License Classification Requirements.
    •   NOTE: Due to Coronavirus 2019 (also referred to as COVID-19), please see new changes to PSI Services in-person testing security procedures and rescheduling guidelines.
    PSI Services has also set up a dedicated phone number just for AZ ROC trade exam candidates. If you need to contact PSI Services about your trade exam, please call 855-744-0310 or email [email protected].
    •   The SRE is a computer-based training program and exam that is only offered online through Gmetrix.

    For assistance with SRE login, course navigation and system requirements contact Gmetrix at 801-323-5800 or email [email protected].
    •   Trade and solar exams can be taken either online or at a testing center through PSI
    •   Information about all of the required exams (including cost, how to schedule, links to trade-specific content outlines, and study materials) can be found in the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin.

    Applicants for the B-1 General Commercial Contractor and B-2 General Small Commercial Contractor license classifications may take the National Association of State Licensing Agency Commercial General Building Exam in lieu of the AZ ROC trade exam. The fee for these exams is $106 plus the $25 application fee. The application fee is paid directly to NASCLA and the examination fee to PSI Exams Online.

    Applicants for the CR-11 Electrical, C-11 Electrical, and R-11 Electrical license classifications have the option of participating in the National Association of State Licensing Agency Electrical Examination Program in lieu of taking the AZ ROC trade exam. The fee for these exams is $116 and is paid to PSI Exams Online directly.

    The NASCLA Accredited Examination Program was designed to reduce redundant licensing requirements and assist contractors who need to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions. For more information on the benefits of taking the NASCLA exam instead of the AZ ROC trade exam visit NASCLA's website.

    AZ ROC has reorganized several exams. The knowledge needed for these classifications remains the same, what classification you apply for will depend on the scope of work you plan on doing and the experience you already have. You must meet the minimum experience requirements in order to apply for the classification.

    If you have already taken and passed one of these exams before they were combined, as long as the exam was taken within two years of applying for the classification that matches the exam, the test will be accepted. You must apply within that two year time-frame.

    The B, B-3, CR-61 exams have been combined into one exam. Whichever of those classifications you want to obtain, you will take this new combined exam.

    The B-1, B-2, KB-1, KB-2 exams have been combined into one exam. Whichever of those classifications you want to obtain, you will take this new combined exam.

    Please refer to the ROC's classifications page for complete descriptions of these classifications.

  • The Applicant and Qualifying Party must submit copies of the payment transaction receipt from their background checks. Click here to learn more and to submit a background check.

  • LLC's and corporations are required to register with the Arizona Corporation Commission. Partnerships are required to register with the Arizona Secretary of State.

    In Arizona, a license may be issued to a sole proprietorship (individual), a partnership, limited liability company or a corporation. To learn more about creating the appropriate entity for you and obtain the required documentation, visit the Arizona Corporation Commission's eCorp website for additional information.

  • The applicant must obtain and submit proof of a license bond.

    For information on determining bonding requirements and to download a comprehensive list of all businesses licensed to offer surety products in this State by the Arizona Department of Insurance, visit our bond information page.

  • Include the required fees and assessments with your License Application form.

  • Both the Applicant and the Qualifying Party in this License Application must submit a copy of their government-issued identification with the application. Acceptable forms of identification include a valid driver's license or passport.

  • Complete and submit a License Application Form to the Registrar using one of the following methods:

    •   Use the Online Customer Portal to fill out and submit the application.

    •   Mail this application to: Registrar of Contractors, P.O. Box 6748, Phoenix, AZ 85005-6748

    •   Deliver this application to: 1700 W. Washington Street, Suite 105, Phoenix, AZ 85007-2812

Essential Parts of the License Application Packet

Essential Parts of a License Application Packet

Before you submit your application packet to the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, you must make sure that your application packet includes all of the parts in the checklist below.

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General Requirements

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  • A sole proprietorship (individual), a partnership, limited liability company, or a corporation may apply for a contractor's license if they have a regularly employed person with the necessary experience, knowledge and skills who serves as the qualifying party. All persons listed on the application must be 18 years of age or older.

    A corporation or limited liability company must be registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission and in good standing with that agency before submitting an application for a contractor's license. The corporation or limited liability company must remain in good standing in order to renew their contractor's license.

  • All persons listed on the license are responsible for the contracting activities of the business. "Person" means a qualifying party, an owner, any partner of a partnership, all members of a limited liability company, and any officer, director or owner of 25 percent or more of the stock of a corporation.

  • Any business which contracts or offers to contract to build, alter, repair, add to, subtract from, improve, move, wreck or demolish any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation or other structure, development or improvement, or to do any part of the work must be a licensed contractor.

    Also included in work requiring a license is the erection of scaffolding, connections to utility service lines, metering devices and sewer lines, mechanical or structural service to a structure or improvement and any other work in connection with the project.

    "Contractor" includes subcontractors, floor covering contractors, hardscape contractors and consultants representing themselves as having the ability to supervise or manage a construction project for the benefit of the property owner.

    Supervision or management includes hiring and firing of specialty contractors, scheduling of work on the project, and selection and purchasing of construction material.

    Contractors must be properly licensed before submitting bids.

  • A license may be issued to a sole proprietorship (individual), a partnership, limited liability company or a corporation. The license belongs to the business and not to the qualifying party.

Waiver of Trade Exam

What is examination waiver?

Passing a trade examination is one of the requirements necessary to be approved for a contractor's license. A trade examination helps the Registrar of Contractors assess whether an applicant has the knowledge required to perform the type of work authorized by a license. However, pursuant to R4-9-106(E) the Registrar may decide to waive the trade exam requirement under specific circumstances.

R4-9-106(E): “…the Registrar may decide a trade exam is not required where the qualifying party has been the qualifying party within the preceding five years for a license in good standing in the same classification in this state, or a classification the Registrar deems comparable in another state.”

* The AZ SRE Statutes and Rules Exam cannot be waived because it has reference to Arizona specific statutes and rules.

What information must be submitted when requesting a waiver for a trade examination?

Qualifying Party

To whom does the term "qualifying party" refer?

The "qualifying party" means a person who is regularly employed by the licensee and is actively engaged in the classification of work for which the person qualifies in behalf of the licensee.

The qualifying party must have the necessary experience, knowledge and skills to supervise or perform the contracting work.

Who can be a qualifying party?

The qualifying party may be a sole proprietor, one of the partners of a partnership, one of the members of a limited liability company, one of the officers of a corporation or an employee of the contracting business.

What is the qualifying party required to do?
  • They are the responsible managing employee.
  • While engaged as a qualifying party for a licensee, the qualifying party shall not take other employment that would conflict with his duties as qualifying party or conflict with his ability to adequately supervise the work performed by the licensee.
Can the same person serve as the qualifying party for more than one entity?

Per A.R.S. § 32-1127, a person may serve as the qualifying party for one additional entity if one of the following conditions exists:

  • There is common ownership of at least 25% between each licensed entity.
  • One licensee is a subsidiary of another licensee for which the same person acts in a qualifying capacity. "Subsidiary" as used in ARS 32-1127(2) means a corporation of which at least twenty-five percent is owned by the other licensee.

Frequently Asked Questions

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