AZ ROC: Contractor’s License Exams Move Online

October 1, 2021

October 1, 2021

Breanna Bang, Public Information Liaison

AZ ROC: Contractor's License Exams Move Online

PHOENIX, Ariz., (October 1, 2021) - Arizona Registrar of Contractors (AZ ROC) is proud to announce exciting changes to Arizona contractor's license exams.

Trade Exams

AZ ROC's online exams are still being administered by our vendor PSI, however, beginning on October 1, 2021, Arizona contractor's license applicants can take trade exams online without having to sit for the exam in-person. Applicants can still opt to take their trade exam(s) at one of PSI's testing centers. The Qualifying Party can register to the trade exam(s) online or at a testing center here.

To determine which trade exams are required for a specific license classification, refer to Classification Requirements.

Statutes and Rules Exam

The Statutes and Rules Exam (SRE) will transition to the AZ Statutes and Rules Training Course and Exam (SRE). Applicants will take computer-based training about applicable Arizona statutes and rules and then be tested on what they learned throughout the training. Unlike the trade exams, this training course and exam is only available online.

AZ ROC is excited to offer an additional and more convenient way for applicants to take their exams. New applicants will also be pleased to note the cost of the SRE was reduced from $66 down to $54. The Qualifying Party can the required training course here.

There are specific conditions in which an exam waiver for the trade exam and SRE may be granted. For questions about exams or exam waivers, please call ROC's Licensing Department at 1-877-692-9762. For questions about scheduling a trade exam please call PSI at 855-744-0310.
